
Go for launch
, Construction

Go for launch

The image probably portrays the least qualified individual in this project to pose for any type of construction work, hands down. Yet again, with the sense of pride overwhelming as the building…

High level planning session
, News, Planning

High level planning session

Yesterday was a great day! Responsible parties from construction, electricity, lighting, plumbing, administration and project management all met up to outline a high level plan of how to in fact - make…

, Planning


OK, like my business partner Anders frequently utters: "You know we're not building our coworking space in Chicago, New York, Berlin, Oakland or any other place where you in fact can source…

Coworking Isn’t Just for Millennials
, Research

Coworking Isn’t Just for Millennials

The progressive minds over at TechSpace have authored a really nice article, thrashing the common misconception that Coworking spaces are strictly reserved for the millennials. Quote: "Millennials are undoubtedly associated with the co-work…

Coworking statistics!
, News, Research

Coworking statistics!

Ah, statistics and data! What a soothing source of inspiration, direction and argument. The kind people over at Statista has gathered some rather mind-blowing numbers reflecting the temperature of coworking, and what…

Technoport Coworking Space, Belval, Luxembourg
, Coworking spaces, Research

Technoport Coworking Space, Belval, Luxembourg

  The Coworking trend is everywhere! At the simply amazing technology development area of Belval, just outside Luxembourg city, I meet up with Technoport CEO Diego De Biasio, who gives me an "after…

Rethink, redo.
, Planning

Rethink, redo.

  Things change. Usually for the better... and wouldn't you know it, fate just gave the COSPACE BORLÄNGE project a major nudge in the right direction: We've been offered a much bigger,…

The Coworking trend in Sweden (Företagarna)
, Coworking spaces, News, Research

The Coworking trend in Sweden (Företagarna)

Photo by Evelina Carborn 15 years after it all started in the States, Coworking is slowly making its way into the Swedish Digital Nomad community - looks like the Cospace project is…

The Whole Nine Yards
, Planning

The Whole Nine Yards

Measuring becoming an obsession: Measure. Redo. Measure. Rethink. Damn. That Leica laser gizmo sure has been a God sent. How much space is actually required for our various coworking rental plans? Things…

Pad hunting
, Planning

Pad hunting

"If you build it, they will come." Maybe, but we'll need a space first. Easier said than done; as so many things need to be right if to undertake this type of…