Coworking Isn’t Just for Millennials

The progressive minds over at TechSpace have authored a really nice article, thrashing the common misconception that Coworking spaces are strictly reserved for the millennials. Quote: “Millennials are undoubtedly associated with the co-work phenomena. The reality of designing workplaces for millennials can be harsh for a start-up – Google and Facebook amenities just aren’t a reality for start-up budgets. Seen as a trendy alternative to heading to a traditional office in the early hours of each morning, coworking is far more than a trend for setting cool companies and entrepreneurs apart.

These spaces are for anyone who needs flexibility. In fact, most coworking spaces offer the work perks and design typical of many millennial-focused enterprises but are targeting a wide variety of age groups. Read on to see that co-working isn’t so obscure in its offerings and has many benefits for all generations, not just millennials.”

Read the whole article here:

Categories: Research

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